The Bully Wiki

Harry Smith's Freaky Family is an episode of The Bully TV series, originally aired in July 2015.

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This article contains plot details about an episode.


The episode begins with Harry trudging downstairs on a Saturday morning - to his surprise Grace Smith hasn't made him breakfast. James Smith comes down singing the Fancy Hippos theme song and Liam Smith follows him, announcing that the family is going to Colham Park to be outside in the fresh air all day! Harry screams.

Soon James packs the picnic, which only consists of fruit, vegetables and Fancy Hippos Healthy Husks. When he and Liam leave to grab the Tiddlystinks box, Harry re-packs the picnic, replacing the healthy food with pretzels, Harriet-Boes, Tricky Treats, Badburied chocolate bars and Irn-Poo. James returns to the kitchen to pick up the picnic blanket and finds a mushroom lying on the counter. Harry drives him away by doing a big fart, then they get ready to leave.

Harry is forced to carry the picnic, the blanket and Tiddlystinks while he, James and Liam walk to the park rather than take the RustBucket 2000. They finally arrive to choose somewhere to sit. The first spot they pick is near a dog poo bin, and after lots of aimless wandering they find an area Liam approves of at the other side of the park. Harry sits on a huge anthill - ants pour out all over him and he gets so mad he shoves James into the lake.

Harry opens the bag of pretzels he put in the picnic bag, then a dog bounds up to him and starts eating them. The dog's owner, an Irish woman known as Finola Finnegan, also arrives and tells him the dog won't stop until all the food is gone. She does a big fart - James comes over just at that moment and blames it on Harry. The former introduces himself to Finola and they play Tiddlystinks together.

Just when the dog has polished off the whole picnic, Liam comes over to see James and Finola. Harry asks him something he has been pondering over for the entire outing...where could Grace be? Liam replies that she went to the I'm a Shopper shopping centre and should be home by now. Harry says things aren't the same without her around and decides to go home.

Without hesitation, Harry dashes back to his house - sure enough, Grace has returned. He plays, Hero Combat, Zapper Rapper X and Horrid Henty's Horrid Adventure for the rest of the afternoon.

