The Bully Wiki
 Kim Johnston
Kim driving the 'Lardmobile'
Kim driving the 'Lardmobile'
Vital statistics
Position  Colham High School dinner lady
Age 26
Status  Living
Nationality Pedian
Residence  Colham
Personality Unknown
Voice actor Unknown
Theme tune Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time - Yoob's Belly
Physical attributes
Height  173 cm
Weight  105 kg

Kim Johnston is a dinner lady at Colham High School. She is obese and addicted to junk food, doing all her shopping in Fat Mart Colham. She also visits Candycorn regularly, and brands MacRonalds and Whoopie-Whoppie as top class restaurants. She became so angry over Gobble N' Fart's closure that she sprayed graffiti all over the Veggies for Vegans restaurant that replaced it.

In the episode Harry Smith and the Obsessive Dinner Lady, Kim stole and scoffed confectionery from pupils while patrolling the packed lunch room. Harry Smith stopped her antics by getting his classmates to bring loads of sweets into school - she ate the lot and ended up so sick she was rushed to Genesiscide Hospital. She has always patrolled the main canteen instead ever since.

Her best friend is Claymore Cameron despite him being six years younger than her. She is additionally known to drive a fat scooter, as shown in her cameo in the Big Fat Trouble in Little Colham easter egg. She is also seen on one in a dream Harry has in the episode The Black Foot Gang Rules OK!. Kim occasionally drives a moped, which is nicknamed the 'Lardmobile' by some.


Season 3[]

Season 10[]

Season 14[]


All of the following quotes are from Harry Smith and the Obsessive Dinner Lady.

  • "Sweets, sweeeeeets!"
  • "Don't even bother"
  • "Sweets? Doesn't anyone have any sweets?"
  • "If no-one tells me where Harry has hidden his sweets, then you're all going to get referrals!"
  • "Oh,'s back to school dinners for me"
  • "Not anymore, they're confiscated!"